Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover?

Marketing and Promotion

Once your book is published, the real work begins! Marketing your book is a full time business. The amount of time you put into it will determine your success. Your readers need to see and hear from you. They need to know why writing and publishing this book was important to you. While we do not provide marketing services, we offer products, advice, and resources to get you started. Remember, books don't sell books - people do. We can arm you with the tools you need to effectively market your work!
Have you gone to Amazon and seen books that 'look' like they were self-published? I have and it is very painful because I know others see it too and are probably thinking what I'm thinking, "If it looks like that on the outside, what must the inside look like?"

I've been publishing long enough to know that just because an author attempted to do it themselves, it doesn't mean that their story isn't good. While the Print On Demand industry has afforded us all an opportunity to have our work published, it also created an opportunity for the 'bad actors.' You know, those who will pull it all together, wrap it in a bow, and stick a price on it without regard for content.

If an author isn't willing to invest in themselves, why would others? 

Our goal at Butterfly Typeface Publishing is to make your book as beautiful outside as it is inside by offering quality service, affordable rates, and personalized service. Our books win awards, are selected for local/national campaigns, and more importantly, share the good news - God is still in the blessing business! 

Remember, books don't sell books - people sell books. A quality published book is well complemented by professionally created graphics and videos!

Schedule your free, no-obligation consultation. Let us help you create/market your brand!

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Your Story Matters


PO Box 56193
Little Rock, AR 72215, US

Who are we?

A small company with a big heart for Authors and Writers! Let us help you tell your story. It matters!

© 2024 Williams Group Consulting/Butterfly Typeface