
In the literary world, LOOKS matter!

Book Cover: Your cover should be an honest, creative, and eye-catching representation of your work. The cover is the advertisement for what is written inside the book and is the first introduction to the author. The message your cover sends to the reader is the same message they perceive about the rest of the book.

Illustration: Illustrations should be bright and vivid. They should be a visual version of the story. Our illustrators will help you tell your story in a way that will engage young minds. 

Manuscript Design: The way your words look on the page matters. Too much text can be overpowering and too much white space can make your work appear unfinished. Don't allow your valuable work to go unnoticed or unappreciated due to poor (or a lack of) design! Our design team can enhance your book and give it a three-dimensional aspect and attract readers!

Let Our Design Team Help!

Our design team can enhance your book and give it a three-dimensional aspect and attract readers!




Your Story Matters


PO Box 56193
Little Rock, AR 72215, US

Who are we?

A small company with a big heart for Authors and Writers! Let us help you tell your story. It matters!

© 2024 Williams Group Consulting/Butterfly Typeface