Butterfly Typeface (DBA Williams Group Consultants) was founded in 2014. As an author, I quickly found my dream of becoming a published author met with waves of frustration. I was drowning in expense and found myself unprepared to navigate the treacherous waters of publishing. I did not feel heard or appreciated. While my expectations were high, unfortunately, my reality was low.

Disappointed, but determined that there had to be a better way, I paddled vigorously to keep my head above water. Through trial and error (and expense), I was finally able to produce a product that was comparable to the vision in my head.

During this long and arduous journey, I realized I was not alone in my frustrations. Others treading this 'sea of insanity' discovered what I was doing and inquired if I could help them with their projects.

I agreed and the rest is history.

Because of my beginning, it is important to me that we publish from an author's perspective rather than a publisher's. Consequently, you will always get more than you pay for and we will go above and beyond what is required. In our opinion, this is what sets our company apart from the rest, we have your best interest at heart.

Your story Matters. Let us help you maneuver the waters!

Your Story Matters!

"They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony ..."
Revelation 12:10-11

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist authors and writers in finding their purpose, recognizing the value in their stories, and telling them in a healing and motivating manner to themselves and others.

Our Vision

Our vision is to advance God’s Kingdom, teach and inspire authors and writers, and address and dispel the notion that indie or self-published authors are not creditable authors and writers.

Butterfly Typeface/
Williams Group Consultants

A Concierge for Authors and Writers!

Your Story Matters


PO Box 56193
Little Rock, AR 72215, US

Who are we?

A small company with a big heart for Authors and Writers! Let us help you tell your story. It matters!

© 2024 Williams Group Consulting/Butterfly Typeface